2016 APHA Zone One Shadow


Top Ten 2022

AUGUST 6-10, 2025 NAMPA, ID

Zone One Council

The American Paint Horse Association recognizes the states and provinces of Alaska, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington as Zone One – one of 14 APHA zones internationally. Each year, APHA acknowledges the top five exhibitors competing at APHA-approved shows held within each Zone. Zone One, as a council, is comprised of participating clubs in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and Idaho and together they host the Zone One APHA Horse Show in August.  

To facilitate planning of the Zone One show, member clubs appoint delegates (and alternates) to the Zone One council to represent their APHA regional club. Zone One meetings are held in conjunction with the Northwest Coordinating Committee (NWCC) meetings in the fall and late winter.

Each year, at their Fall meeting, delegates appoint a chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer and three directors at large to form the Zone One executive. A show committee is also convened.

APHA members in Zone One are also represented by regional club delegates to NWCC, whose primary purpose is to co-ordinate APHA show dates and judges and recognize outstanding competitive achievements at approved shows within Zone One, and by APHA directors who are elected by APHA members.


Chair Monica Webb, WA
Vice Chair Linda Vance, WA
Secretary Shawn Kingma
Treasurer Shannon O’Dell
Treasurer’s Assistant Kory Kumar, WA
Directors at Large Niki Abila, WA, Kristen Shaw, Tish Schuster

Zone One Deadlines / Calendar

Zone One Deadlines / Calendar